
Prefects are students at Burnham Grammar School who have been given the responsibility of contributing to the school's running; they may also be asked to lead a team in this role.

Through this they develop and demonstrate the skills and capacities for leadership through their work contributing to one of the schools aims: Responsible learning, Active Citizens. Caring Individual, Preparation for life and Happy, Healthy and Safe.

Prefects Student Leadership Image

BGS prefect organisational chart image


Participate in various school functions, including parent evenings, open nights, and community events as a representative of the school. Organize and conduct school-wide assemblies, demonstrating proficiency in public speaking. Engage with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), governors, and other stakeholders to articulate the responsibilities and contributions of prefects to inspectors and esteemed visitors. Guide school tours and serve as an exemplary figure embodying the established standards and expectations within the school community.

Represent the school at significant gatherings like parent and open evenings. Provide guidance and assistance to other Prefects. Assume responsibility for coordinating and delivering and contributing to assemblies when required. Serve as a model for the entire school community, exemplifying the established standards and expectations.

Attend key school events, such as parent and open evenings, as a representative of the institution. Offer guidance and support to their peers and other school leaders. Assume responsibility for coordinating and delivering and contributing to assemblies when required. Set an example for the entire school community by embodying the established standards and expectations.

Students will develop the following and personal qualities 

Leadership Skills:

  1. Communication: Ability to articulate ideas clearly, listen actively, and engage with others
  2. Teamwork: Fostering cooperation, collaboration, and effective team dynamics among fellow prefects and students.
  3. Decision Making: Making sound judgments, considering different perspectives, and taking responsibility for choices.
  4. Problem-Solving: Identifying issues, devising solutions, and implementing strategies to address challenges within the school community.
  5. Organizational Skills Managing time effectively, coordinating events, and handling multiple responsibilities.
  6. Delegation: Assigning tasks appropriately, trusting others' abilities, and overseeing progress.
  7. Conflict Resolution: Mediating disputes, promoting harmony, and maintaining a positive environment.
  8. Initiative: Showing proactiveness, creativity, and a willingness to take on new responsibilities.

Personal Qualities:

  1. Responsibility: Being reliable and demonstrating a strong sense of duty towards others.
  2. Integrity: Upholding high ethical standards, honesty, and trustworthiness in all actions.
  3. Resilience: Remaining composed under pressure, bouncing back from setbacks, and maintaining a positive attitude.
  4. Empathy: Understanding others' perspectives, being compassionate, and supporting fellow students.
  5. Adaptability: Being flexible, open-minded, and adjusting to changing situations or requirements.
  6. Confidence: Having self-assurance, being approachable, and leading by example.
  7. Inclusivity: Valuing diversity, promoting inclusiveness, and creating a welcoming environment for all.
  8. Initiative Showing enthusiasm, motivation, and a proactive attitude towards improving the school community.