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Equality Objectives

Burnham Grammar School Mission Statement

This Scheme builds on the core values and ethos of Burnham Grammar School especially those promoting equality, celebrating diversity, challenging discrimination and celebrating our diversity.

What is Equality?

Equality is the principle of equal treatment for all people irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, or any other recognised area of discrimination.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is the acceptance that we are all different but we are all equal. Diversity focuses on valuing and celebrating the strengths in people’s differences.

The philosophy of our school values the individuality of all. We are committed to providing every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. Within this ethos of achievement, we do not tolerate bullying and harassment. We actively tackle discrimination due to Disability, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Religion Belief/Non-belief, Gender Re-assignment and Pregnancy and Maternity and promote equal opportunities and good relations between and amongst all, including all protected groups defined in the Equality Act 2010. We aim to ensure that the school promotes and accepts the individuality of all, irrespective of Disability, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Religion Belief/Non-belief, Gender Reassignment and Pregnancy and Maternity or background. We are committed to ensuring that positive action is taken where necessary to redress the balance of inequality that may exist. We aim to reflect the diversity of our both our school and local community and society and ensure that the education we offer fosters positive attitudes to all people.

The Burnham Grammar School equality objectives are as follows:

Objective 1

To review and publicise the routes for students to report equality concerns. This will include a range of methods including anonymously (through the Respect/Report Concerns button), through peers (Diversity Prefects and School Council), Pastoral and other staff (including Safeguarding and Mind First Aiders and Team).

Objective 2

To raise awareness of the inappropriateness, offence and harm caused by both the insulting and routine use of sexist, misogynistic and homophobic language and slang. We aim for incidents in the use of this language to decrease to zero and the perception of it as an issue to decrease in both staff and student surveys. Staff and students will be able to articulate why we have a zero-tolerance attitude to such language and link this to the school aims of active citizen and caring individual.

Objective 3

To train all students on how to be an Ally in order to be prepared for adult life and be equipped with the skills, assertiveness and vocabulary to recognise their own unconscious bias and challenge discriminatory behaviour and language in all situations.

Objective 4

To raise staff awareness of the impact of students’ racial, religious and cultural backgrounds on their lived experience and challenges.

Objective 5 

To monitor the attainment and attendance of Pakistani males to ensure all barriers to progress are highlighted and communicated to all.

As part of the review process we consider student voice. The latest report was conducted in June 2023.

Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2023

What progress are we making?

We are making progress on Objective 1 by reviewing and publicising the ways in which students can report equality concerns. Based on data from Ofsted, Diversity Survey, and Student Voice from the Inclusion Report, most students are clear about expectations and reporting methods. 3 year improvement from 20% to 88% agree that they know how to report concerns. 93% have someone they are comfortable reporting concerns to.

Through the Diversity and Inclusion programme, students have been trained on how to be an Ally, preparing them for adulthood by providing them with the skills, assertiveness, and vocabulary needed to recognize their own unconscious bias and challenge discriminatory language and behaviour in any situation. Several students have been referred by Heads of House and mentored by Diversity Prefects. The Diversity Ambassadors have been involved in planning and delivering Pause for Thought, Culture Day, and Schools Diversity Week.

All groups are monitored under the current system, including those discussed in Objective 5: To monitor the attainment and attendance of Pakistani males to ensure all barriers to progress are identified and communicated. 

In addition to involving a wider range of students, the Diversity and Inclusion Programme has become increasingly visible within the daily life of the school. There is a growing LGBTQ+ and Allies group who are growing in number and confidence. There is an active Muslim Students Association who support the arranged prayer areas within school. 

The diversity of staff has continued to increase year on year, from 17% of staff who are BAME in September 2020 to 30% in September 2023.

Please refer to the Equality Objectives 2023-24 document below for further details:

Equality Objectives 2023-24

You can view our Equality Policy on the policies page of our website:

Burnham Grammar School : Policies