Pupil Premium Information

The Pupil Premium Grant is an additional annual payment to schools from central government for each ‘disadvantaged’ child that attends their school.

The definition of a disadvantaged child is any student who had received free school meals in the last six years. The funding is given in recognition of the fact that, nationally, disadvantaged children do not perform as well as their non disadvantaged peers.

Overall Impact of Pupil Premium At Burnham Grammar School

We aim to use our Pupil Premium funding to ensure that we can offer the best opportunities to our students, ensuring that they have the same access to enrichment opportunities as their non disadvantaged peers to ensure their wider development and raise their aspirations, as well as narrowing the gap in attainment levels.

Support includes;

  • Small group tuition in core GCSE subjects
  • Assistance with trip payments
  • Dedicated pastoral support
  • Up to £100 uniform supplement
  • Text books

Please see the documents below for a full overview of our Pupil Premium spend or contact your childs Deputy Head of House, or Miss Knibbs, our Pupil Premium Aspiration Manager for more information.

Free School Meals & Pupil Premium Information LetterFree School Meals & Pupil Premium Application Form

Year 7 Catch Up Premium

The Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy catch-up premium gives schools funding to support Year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

All Year 7 students at Burnham Grammar School in recent years have reached the expected standard in reading and maths, and the school therefore does not normally receive any catch-up funding. 

The Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium Statement 2024-25 can be viewed in the downloads below.