Library & Learning Resource Centre

The Library & Learning Resource Centre is a warm and welcoming place for learning and promoting reading for pleasure. We offer a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books for Years 7 to 13. There are computers available to use in the Library throughout the day.

The Library is open to all students and staff, students automatically become members when they join the school in Year 7. The Library is open throughout the day for students to use and can be booked by staff for their lessons. The Sixth Former's have access to the Library during their free and private study periods. We have scheduled reading lessons that take place in the Library for Years 7 and 8 which encourages students to read and pick different books from all genres.

At break and lunchtimes there is a relaxed atmosphere in the Library where students can come and use the Library for studying, reading and socialising with their friends

Library Opening Times

Monday to Thursday 8.30am until 5.00pm

Friday 8.30am until 1.00pm

Open during break-time and lunch for pupils to read and work. 

Homework Club

Homework club gives students a chance to work, read and catch up on any homework in a safe and relaxed environment. Homework club is run every day except Fridays.

Monday to Thursday 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Mr Leung : Learning Resource Coordinator 

T: 01628 604812 (Ext. 240)