At Burnham Grammar School, we are committed to ensuring our pupils are happy and healthy at school and in the wider community.
Although supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our students is a shared responsibility, we have a core team who are focused on providing support to students.
Miss Adby , Miss White , Mr Burrows, Mr Churchouse, Mr Conroy, Mrs Hudson, Mr John, Mr Lennon, Mrs Wrycraft, Miss Stoneham, Mrs Farrell, Miss Pye, Mrs Yasmeen, Mrs Newell, Miss Rashid, Mrs Gupta, Mr Kay, Mrs Covus, Mrs Clarke, Ms Hafeez, Ms Banks, Mrs Gerring, Ms Griffiths, Mr Earnshaw-Crofts, Ms Clayson, Miss Caiafa, Miss Dixon, Mr Bulteel, Miss Hussain, Ms Lamb, Mr Leung, Dr Gillespie, Mrs Balderson.
Students can ask for support via any of the Wellbeing Team, they can come to the Pastoral Office or they can use the Report Concern Button on the School Website and the team will respond to this accordingly.
Burnham Grammar School are pleased to announce that we are now working closely with Bucks Mental Health Support Team. Please check our website regularly for support-advice for parents/carers and students.
Who they are: -
Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) are part of a Government Green Paper aimed at transforming and expanding children’s and young people’s access to mental health support in education settings.
Mental Health Support Teams complement existing emotional and wellbeing support in schools.
We do this by providing expertise and resources to deliver support to individuals who may not typically meet the CAMHS thresholds but would benefit from accessing evidence-based mental health interventions.
We are hosted by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
We work to an allocated school model so each practitioner will have a portfolio of approx. 6 schools and will be in each of their schools every week.
The staff in the MHST are recruited and trained in delivering low intensity cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), which is the NICE (the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence) recommended treatment for depression and anxiety in children.
CBT will help children and young people by helping them to feel more resilient.
Low-intensity CBT practitioners are equipped with evidence-based tools and interventions for supporting children and young people with certain mental health difficulties.
What they do: -
We are an early intervention team who work with new and emerging mental health needs.
We offer interventions to support with:
Current support and advice services: -
MHST Free Live Webinars - advice and support for parents and carers - to register for the up and coming webinars please click on the image below: -
Listed below are website links which may be of interest to you/your child to support with their health and wellbeing.
Please note that Burnham Grammar School cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites.
Supporting children’s mental health – for conversation starters click here – Charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people - Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call free on 116 123 – Educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults. – Ideas for how to help individuals improve their own wellbeing as well as helping to build a happier and more caring society – Self-help on a wide variety of topics. - Teen Mental Health – A guide for parents
Young Minds -
AQA - AQA | Student and parent support | Managing exam stress
BBC Bitesize - Support - BBC Bitesize
GOV - Resources to help students prepare for exams and assessments - GOV.UK (
Number 22 counselling can offer support - click on the image below to get support: - - a registered charity providing free and confidential counselling to adults and young people in Windsor, Maidenhead and Slough, supporting those in distress where clients can feel valued and heard. Number 22 provides counselling, advocacy and independent visiting services to the community, free at the point of use. Specific information for parents - - Your online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support – Free and confidential support, information and counselling to young people (13-25) in the High Wycombe area – Information to support healthy eating and lifestyles. – NHS website with information on healthy lifestyle choices.
The National Sleep Helpline - helps anyone with sleep issues including adults, parents and young people. The helpline is available from 7pm and 9pm, Sunday to Thursday on 03303 530 541. Poor sleep can affect anyone and it can be a major stress for parents whose own sleep can be impaired by their children’s difficulties getting to sleep, staying asleep or staying in their own bed, leading to greater stress.