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The School Day

Overview of the School Day

Students are permitted to enter the building from 8am but must remain in the Canteen or 6th Form Common Room until 8.15am at which point they can access lockers on the upper floors.

We run a staggered breaktime (see timetable below for timings) to ensure crowding and queueing is reduced, this allows all students to spend their breaktime in a calm environment and the option to sit inside or move outdoors.

In addition we run a lunch sitting rota where 3 year groups will have access to lunch first at 1.40pm-2.00pm then the other 3 year groups 2.00pm-2.25pm, these then rotate with our 2 week timetable to allow all students to access lunch first over the 2 weeks.

This ensures that every student can sit in the canteen if they wish to and cuts queuing time down to enable students to maximise their lunchtime. If students are attending a lunch club they may be granted permission to enter the first sitting.

Please see the structure of the Burnham Grammar School day below.

8.40am Warning bell
8.45am - 9.00am Tutor Time
9.05am - 10.05am Lesson 1
10.10am - 11.10am Lesson 2
Break 1 (10.05am - 10.25am) (Years 10-13)
Break 2 (11.10am - 11.30am) (Years 7-9)
11.30am Warning Bell
11.35am - 12.35pm Lesson 3
12.40pm - 1.40pm Lesson 4
1.40pm - 2.25pm Lunchtime
2.25pm Warning Bell
2.30pm - 3.30pm Lesson 5
3.30pm School Ends