To contact a member of staff please select from one of the email addresses below and type the staff member’s name or the department in the subject line of your email. If you do not know which department or staff member you require, please just type the general subject of the email in the subject line. Your email will then be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff. It is not necessary to copy in multiple BGS email addresses.
We aim to respond to emails within 48 working hours during term-time, however please be aware that not all staff work full-time and due to teaching commitments some staff may need a little longer to deal with their emails.
General enquiries including teaching staff |
Safeguarding/Child Protection Team |
Heads of House, Head of Year 7, Pastoral Administration |
Reception, Absences Years 7-11, Student Absence/Attendance Issues |
Sixth Form Team and Administration, Absence Years 12-13, Admissions to Sixth Form) |
Admissions to BGS (not Sixth Form) |
School Trips |
Careers Education (including Provider Access Requests) |
Special Education Needs (SEN) Team |
Year 10 Work Experience Programme |
Exams Officer |
BGS Job Vacancies and Applications |
For any other enquiries, please email :
Dr Gillespie
Deputy Headteacher/PE
Mr Cathcart
Deputy Headteacher/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/SENCO/ PE
Mr Burrows
Assistant Headteacher/ Safeguarding Lead/ Modern Foreign Languages
Mr Lennon
Assistant Headteacher/ Maths
Mrs Balderson
Assistant Headteacher / Maths
Mr John
Assistant Headteacher/Business Studies & Economics
Mrs Hajamaideen
Associate Assistant Headteacher / PRE
Mrs Bola
Ali House
Head of House : Mrs Gerring
Deputy Head of House : Mrs Covus
King House
Head of House : Ms Griffiths
Deputy Head of House : Mrs Hafeez
Roosevelt House
Head of House : Mr Conroy
Deputy Head of House : Miss Rashid
Winton House
Head of House : Mrs Sultana
Deputy Head of House : Ms Chotai
KS3 Head of House Admin Support : Miss Pye
KS4 Head of House Admin Support : Mrs Krasner
KS5 Head of House & Sixth Form Admin Support : Mrs Hudson
Head of Year 7 : Mr Churchouse
Head of Year 12 : Miss Dixon
Head of Year 13 : Mr Amos
Art : Mrs Garner
Business Studies/Economics : Mr Madarbukus
Computer Science : Mr Griffiths
Design and Technology : Mrs Garner
Drama : Miss Youens
English : Mrs Bray
Geography : Mr Green
History : Mr Trehy
Mathematics : Mr Griffiths
Media Studies : Mrs Wrycraft
Modern Foreign Languages : Mrs Banks
Music : Mr Lovelock
PE : Mr Lawson
PSHE : Miss Dalgakiran
Psychology : Ms Clayson
Religious Studies : Ms Eden
Science : Dr Neat
Sociology : Ms Clayson
Miss Ali, Business & Economics
Mr Amos, Sociology
Mrs Appleyard, History
Mr Bryant, English/ Sociology
Mrs Charlton, Maths
Dr Chiu, Science
Mr Chu, PRE
Mr Churchouse, PE
Ms Chotai, Business Studies
Ms Clayson, Sociology & Psychology
Mrs Clarke, Computer Science
Mr Conroy, Geography
Ms Covus, Geography
Miss Dixon, Maths
Mrs Dohil, English
Ms Dovey, English
Mr Earnshaw-Crofts, MFL
Ms Eden, PRE
Mrs Gakhal, English
Mrs Garner, DT & Art
Mrs Gerring, Art
Mr Gill, Geography
Mr Green, Geography
Ms Griffiths, Mathematics
Mr Griffiths, Mathematics
Ms Hafeez, Mathematics
Mr Haldane, Science
Ms Heales, Science
Miss Hussain, Maths
Mrs James, Science
Mr Kay, English
Miss Knibbs, PE
Mr Lawson, PE
Mr Lovelock, Music
Mrs Magnante, Design and Technology
Mrs Martin, Computer Science
Mr Madarbukus, Business & Economics
Mr Mahmood, Biology
Mrs Manocha, English
Miss McIntosh, English
Dr Neat, Science
Miss Newberry, PE
Mrs Nijjar, Maths
Miss Pott, Science
Mrs Ravirajan, Biology
Miss Rashid, MFL
Miss Shrubb, Art
Mr Sidhu, PE/Maths
Miss Siggins, English
Ms Soufian, Chemistry
Mr Trehy, History
Mr Varnam, Physics
Ms Wellesley-Davies, Science
Miss White, History
Mrs Wrycraft, English
Miss Youens, Drama & English
Dr Abdul-Hameed, Learning Support Assistant
Miss Adby, Development and Communications Officer & Careers Manager (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Adivarekar, HR & Recruitment Officer
Ms Arenas Alacron, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Alawi, Lead Science Technician
Ms Awan, Cover Supervisor
Mrs Baldacchino, Trips Coordinator
Mrs Barber, Reception/ Admin Support
Ms Berry, School Adminstrative Support
Mrs Boehm, Whole School Display Technician
Mrs Chava, Science Technician
Miss Caiafa, Teacher of MFL
Ms Sanson Cerfariello, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Durden, Modern Foreign Languages Assistant (French)
Miss Edwards, Reception Admin Support
Mr Evans, Finance Officer
Mrs Garcia Bonilla, Modern Foreign Languages Assistant (Spanish)
Dr Gronimus, Modern Foreign Language Assistant (German)
Ms Gupta, Cover Supervisor
Mrs Farrell, Learning Support Assistant (Maternity Leave)
Mr Featherstone, Project and Operations Manager
Mr Ferguson, Assistant Site Manager
Miss Fraysse, Foreign Language Assistant
Mrs Hudson, KS5 HOH & Sixth Form Admin Support
Mr Hutchinson, Assistant Site Manager
Mrs Kamal, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs A Khalid, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs I Khalid, Learning Support Assistant
Ms Khan, Officer Manager
Mr Khela, Reception Admin Support
Mrs Krasner, KS4 HOH Admin Support
Ms Lamb, SLT Administrative Officer & Cover Administrator
Mr Leung, Learning Resource Coordinator
Mrs Mania, Science Technician
Mrs Marshall, Learning Support Assistant
Mr Mohammad, Network Manager
Mrs Newell, Executive Assistant to Headteacher
Mr Osman, ICT Technician
Mrs Pang, Exams Officer and Data Manager
Ms Porchietto, Learning Support Assistant
Miss Pye, KS3 HOH Admin Support
Mrs Rai, Assistant Exams and Data Officer
Mrs Rowdene, Finance Director
Miss Sanson Cefariello, Learning Support Assistant
Mr Scotney, PE & Production Assistant
Miss Stoneham, SEN Manager
Mrs Swadling, Reception Admin Support
Mr Taylor, D&T Technician
Mrs Thalluri, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Vig, Art & Food Technician
Miss Warner, Assistant Site Manager
Miss White , Senior Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Wellbeing Manager
Mrs Yasmeen, Cover Supervisor