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Aims, Vision, Ethos & Values

Burnham Grammar School has vigorously pursued excellence since its establishment in 1960.

Exceptional relationships and teamwork between staff and students provide the support and reassurance for our students to be happy, strive to develop as individuals and to challenge themselves to give their very best each and every day.

We are a diverse and supportive community where the focus is on the progress of every individual student regardless of their starting point.

The exceptional quality of our staff and our record of developing their practice is evidenced by our Investors in People Gold and Champion status and the outstanding learning experiences provided day in, day out.

Please see our School Aims & Mission Statement below. 

BGS School AimsBGS Mission Statement

Responsible Learning & Study Skills at Burnham Grammar School

Burnham Grammar School, its staff and students, recognise the key importance of developing both students’ capacities to learn and their study skills to enable them to take advantage of the learning opportunities they experience and to act on the personalised assessment and feedback that they receive. 

The school aims to develop Responsible Learners and therefore all lessons at Burnham Grammar School should aim to encourage students to be Responsible Learners. The emphasis in lessons being on developing students’ learning processes, habits and skills. This is a key aspect of learning and teaching to enable students to fulfil and surpass their potential.

Through developing our students’ ability to be effective Responsible Learners, we are equipping them with the skills, attitude and confidence to embrace challenge across the curriculum, and to progress from their mistakes through reflection upon their personal learning process.

Responsible Learning Diagram

Study Skills Diagram

To find out more about Responsible Learning and Study Skills at Burnham Grammar School, please click on the links below.

Responsible Learning InformationStudy Skills Information