Burnham Grammar School’s preferred method of payment is ParentPay. The school have been using this provider for more than ten years.
This means that all money for school dinners, trips and other school resources can be paid using ParentPay’s very secure website.
If you do not have a ParentPay account please contact the trips co-ordinator, trips@burnhamgrammar.org.uk for your activation letter.
Students can still use cash in the dinner machine as an alternative to ParentPay but apart from that no cash will be accepted in school.
You need a valid email address as a username and for account verification.
If you have two or more children at a ParentPay school, you only need to activate one account to create your “main account” and then add your other child/ren via the “Add a child” tab on your home page.
Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.
How to make a withdrawal from your Parent Account
Remember too, that once an account is activated, the username is the email address, and if you have forgotten your password, you can just click on “forgotten password” to get a link to reset it.
If you have any difficulties please contact the Finance Department at Burnham Grammar School: