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BGS Diploma

BGS Diploma

Key to students’ success at both BGS and beyond is the development of the skills and attitudes to cope with the challenges that students will face in all areas of school and wider life. In September 2017 we launched the BGS Diploma for Year 7; working with our staff & students, universities and the CBI we identified a set of skills central to preparing students throughout their journey at BGS and beyond.

The Diploma reinforces the BGS careers programme as part of Year 7 building on their understanding of how they can prepare for their future.  Using the digital platform iDEA; Year 7 students build their knowledge of digital, employability and enterprise skills receiving the bronze award from iDEA.

In Year 7 students participate in a series of workshops as part of the Peer Education Programme led by 6th formers who have been trained in the delivery to support self-awareness of positive mental health.  This highly successful programme is enjoyed by Year 7 and our PEP facilitators alike to support positive mental health and well-being of all students at BGS.

Term Skill Focus
Autumn 1 Organisation
Autumn 2 Communication
Spring 1 Collaboration
Spring 2 Persevering
Summer 1 Resourcefulness
Summer 2 Challenger


The 6 Diploma Skills form the ‘skills’ sections of the BGS Diploma and each is focused upon in each half term of Year 7 in each subject and Psychology for Learning lessons.

Through the Psychology for Learning curriculum students are taught the neurobiology and psychological theories behind learning and memory.  This course reinforces the development and importance of the Diploma Skills  Using a model of self-reflection students are able to identify areas of strength and development of each skill over the course of the year.  Across the Year 7 curriculum teaching staff focus on and develop these skills in context of their subject enabling students’ opportunities to apply each skill and teachers to support a students’ progress.   If a skill is limiting a student’s progress intervention measures are put in place at class level to ensure that they are brought up to speed alongside Student Review Days to check on students’ progress.

Diploma Challenges in Practice