School Uniform |
Blazer |
Black with school badge; SWI only |
Jumper (Optional) |
Black v-neck |
Trousers |
Charcoal grey or black smart school style |
Skirt |
Charcoal grey – only in approved style and at knee length; SWI only. (Please speak to the relevant Head of House/Year if there is an issue with this. A longer length of the pleated SWI skirt is acceptable, as long as it is of the same design.) |
Shirt |
White poly-cotton school shirt with long or short sleeves (Shirts must be tucked in at all times) Summer term option: black polo shirt with embroidered school badge or short sleeve open neck blouse |
Tie |
School colours SWI |
Shoes |
Black, flat (no boots, trainers, or leisure shoes – no trainers or sports logos are permitted) |
Socks |
Grey , black or white |
Tights |
Black |
Coat |
Plain and in a dark colour. Discreet logo or lettering is permitted |
Scarf (Optional) |
Plain dark |
Hat (Optional) |
In wet or very cold weather, a discreet dark hat may be worn outside of the building. In very sunny weather a discreet dark lightweight hat may be worn as protection from the sun. |
Other Items |
Jewellery |
Watches; one short, discreet necklace and/or one discreet bracelet may be worn; one stud earring per lobe may be worn; badges awarded by the school.Nose studs are not permitted. |
Hair colour and accessories |
Hair may be coloured using natural shades. Artificial colours e.g. red, green, purple, blue are not permitted. Small discreet hair accessories may be worn in white, grey, black or one of the school’s colours. Hair coverings worn for religious reasons should be black or white. |
Bag |
Plastic carrier bags are not suitable for everyday use. Acceptable bags are sports holdalls, backpack, briefcase or document case |
All students will be issued with an ID card and lanyard when they join Burnham Grammar School. This will need to be worn at all times and replaced if lost or broken.
Uniform items labelled ‘(SWI)’ will need to be ordered on the SWI website; other items can be sourced elsewhere or through SWI if preferred:
Compulsory uniform items will need to be ordered on SWI website
For more information about school uniform for Burnham Grammar School, please use the SWI Uniform Parent Guide below :
Find your Official School Uniform SWI
The following items are compulsory for PE lessons and are available from SWI. Items marked ‘(SWI)’ must be purchased from SWI; other items can be sourced elsewhere or through SWI, if preferred
Boys Kit | Girls Kit |
Multisport Top (SWI) |
Aptus quarter Zip Top (SWI) |
White Polo Shirt (SWI) | White Polo Shirt (SWI) |
One of: - Performance training shorts (SWI) - Plain black sports shorts |
One of: - Black “netburn” skort (SWI) - Black performance training shorts - Black performance female leggings (SWI) |
Black knee length games socks | Black knee length games socks |
Trainers (non-marking sole) | Trainers (non-marking sole) |
Football boots (that can be used on 3G Pitch) | Football boots (that can be used on 3G Pitch) |
Shin Pads | Shin Pads |
Gum Shield |
Towel |
Towel |
White ankle length socks (optional for indoors PE, if preferred, otherwise black knee length socks must be worn)
You can view our Uniform Policy on the policies page of our website:
Burnham Grammar School : Policies
Please note: Only Moulded Studs, Plastic Studs or Blades are allowed on the 3G Pitch
Our Sixth Form Dress Code is commonly accepted business dress. Suggested items for school attire are as follows:
BGS issued lanyards must be worn by Sixth Form students at all times.
The following are not considered appropriate to our working environment:
As with all school policies, this policy will be adjusted by the school where necessary to meet its equality and other legal duties. For example, the school may permit certain clothing or jewellery to be worn by a student where this is a genuine requirement of that student's religion, or where this is necessary to avoid disadvantage caused by the student's disability.
Warnings will be given to students who fail to follow the dress code. Those that receive a warning will lose the privilege of leaving the school site at lunch time and further sanctions may apply.
In the event of repeated infringements parents will be contacted and the student will risk being sent home. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that students come to school in the correct uniform (see home school agreement).
P.E. and Games
1. Students may wear the relevant specialist clothing, if possessed, for training in sports such as football, hockey, athletics, aerobics, etc.
2. A plain white or black top, coupled with black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms is perfectly acceptable. Jogging bottoms should not be worn for indoor games.
3. Any student who represents the school in any of the major competitive sports will wear the team kit provided.
We are very much aware that many of our current students’ families may have old uniform at home which is now too small for their children and is taking up space in homes and could perhaps be put to better use with someone else.
We are also aware that budgets are tight and families looking to acquire new school uniform are experiencing challenges at times to purchase everything needed; particularly with growing teenagers!
BGS has therefore researched opportunities to try to support families and we are pleased to announce that we will be linking with Uniformerly, which is an online website specialising in second-hand school uniform sales.
For more information, please see the BGS Uniformerly Letter for Parents and the Uniformerly Guide below :