Careers & Aspirations Programme

Careers Lead: Mr Lennon 

Careers Manager: Miss Adby

01628 604812

Careers Education

Burnham Grammar School prepares students for life beyond secondary school through its Aspirations Programme, essentially developing students’ skills and abilities towards the world of work to ensure they are prepared for the future.

At BGS we appreciate that our students will engage in future careers which will often currently be unknown to them, however these roles will develop and students must be able to adapt their skill set and knowledge over time.

Given the ability of our students, the Aspirations Programme is designed to stretch students academically to achieve the very best for themselves as individuals. In order to support our students to develop the skills they require post-secondary education and to support them in their decision making throughout their secondary education experience BGS fully embraces the National Gatsby Benchmarks.

In doing so, BGS works closely with the Bucks Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership (BTVLEP) advisor.

Susannah Edwards is currently the Enterprise Coordinator assigned to support BGS.

For information about Careers, specifically in Buckinghamshire, please visit the Bucks Skills Hub Website below:

Bucks Skills Hub Website

Please see below for Employer Encounters that took place at Burnham Grammar School during 2020/2021/2022.  

2023/2024 Encounters will be uploaded to the school website in the Summer Term. 

BGS Employer Encounters 2023/2022

BGS Employer Encounters 2022/2021

BGS Employer Encounters 2021/2020

You can view all our current Careers Policy on the policies page of our website:

Burnham Grammar School : Policies

Please view our Provider Access Policy below : 

Careers Provider Access Policy Statement

BGS assesses and measures the impact of the careers programme through stakeholder voice activities, for example through surveys. 

The results of these are reviewed by the Careers Lead. The Careers policy is reviewed annually.

The Burnham Grammar School Careers Policy & information regarding our careers programme and careers across the curriculum can be found below in the page downloads at the bottom of this page. 

Adviza is an independent charity which helps young people make informed decisions at key stages in their school life about learning and work. They aim to raise students’ aspirations and motivate them to achieve their full potential, helping with a range of questions students may have from generating career ideas to higher education, apprenticeships, money matters and volunteering.

Our Careers Adviser, Mrs Penny Chidgey, is available during term time on an appointment basis at the school. Appointments can be arranged via staff in school. 

Mrs Chidgey also offers a lunchtime drop-in each week for all year groups.

Since September 2018 , the Careers advisor has been in school more frequently, enabling all students by the end of Key Stage 4 & 5 to access independent advice and guidance regarding their choices for the future. Mrs Chidgey works on Mondays and Wednesdays on a fortnightly rotation throughout the year to meet with a range of students. 

Mrs Chidgey also works with staff in school on a variety of careers related activities when these take place in school, for example Year 9 World Of Work Day, Year 10 Work Experience Week and during the Post-18 Conference. 

ADVIZA : What to expect from your careers appointment

ADVIZA Portal - Information for Students

To get onto the Adviza Portal follow link below: 


For Students:  click on Students along the top and scroll down to see boxes with information including:

  • Apprenticeships & Traineeships
  • Career Podcasts
  • Careers of the Future - careers in this ever-changing world
  • eClips Careers Resource - Careers information on over 1400 jobs
  • Finding & applying for jobs
  • Higher Education
  • Labour Market Information – Data on local employers, growth sectors etc.
  • Post 16 Options - choosing your next steps
  • See your future…be your future -  links to career videos, virtual work experience etc.
  • Which Career?  if you don’t know which career you’d like to do
  • Using social media for career planning
  • Webchat - live chat with a careers adviser – available Mon-Fri 9-5pm school term time
  • Useful Websites - Resources and further information

Links with employers are extremely important to us in order to develop our students’ understanding of the work place and future options.  If you are able and willing to support us with our careers’ programme, please contact us at:  Support could include giving talks/presentations in school, enabling us to visit your place of work with a group of our students or facilitating a work experience placement.

National Careers Service: Useful Links for Students

Talking Futures

Please see below a Parents' Guide resource full of useful information for parents to help talk to their children about their future career and education plans.

Talking Futures : Parent Guide

Amazing Apprenticeships

Labour Market Information

 Please use the widget below to access LMI Information about Careers.

For Labour Market Information in Buckinghamshire please click on the following link and scroll to the bottom:


Useful Websites

This provides you with excellent information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. 

This has information about apprenticeships with live vacancies available. When you register you can then browse the available apprenticeships in your chosen area and apply directly online. 

Apprenticeships are a great option for getting on the job ladder and earning a wage while you train.  

A good start for planning ahead for University and Higher Education. Easy to use website with links universities for further in-depth information. 

Try out their new A-Level explorer tool. 

Sign up with and they’ll keep you up to date with information and advice on the latest apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, courses and training that suit your interests, qualifications and needs as a school or college leaver. 

Useful information on tuition fees and student finance