
ILS Lockers - Information for Parents

As from September 2021, Independent Locker Solutions Ltd (ILS) will provide lockers for Burnham Grammar School Students.

The lockers will be owned by ILS, and students will be able to rent lockers for an annual charge of £25.00. The fee will be payable to ILS directly rather than the school.

There will be space for all students Year 7 – 11 to have a locker if they wish to do so and Year 12 – 13 will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Students are not required to have a locker, but they do help students to manage and minimise the equipment they carry with them and ensure valuables are kept safe.

ILS Lockers Website & Booking Link

Once a locker is booked through ILS, the student will be sent a key to their home address.

If your child is entitled to pupil premium funding they will have their locker paid for by BGS. Please contact your child’s Deputy Head of House for more information regarding this.

If you have any queries regarding lockers, or your child requires a new key for whatever reason, please contact ILS Lockers directly. The school will not be able to assist you.

Or you can visit their website above.