Beth HopkinsAlumni

Date you left BGS

Summer 2015

Your Current Position & Organisation 

Event Manager, ISMG (Cyber Security Sector)

A Level Subjects Taken (if applicable) and grades achieved

Product Design (b), Chemistry (C) & Geography (D)

Where did you go from here/achievements?

Traditional brick university wasn't for me, so after a year (in 2016) I went into full time employment. In 2018 I picked my degree back up with Open University, studying alongside full-time work. I worked at a global company, working up from an administrator to deputising the manager within a couple of years. The Open University route reduced my debt and increased my professional experience. I finished my degree whilst on maternity leave in 2021, achieving a First-Class Honours and my daughter was able to join me at my graduation ceremony. I’m now an event manager within the cyber security sector, an industry I never considered I’d be in. 

Best Memory of BGS 

Sports Days! The Year 12 Iceland Trip was pretty amazing too.

Advice for Current Students 

Stay in touch with your teachers, you'll soon be thanking them for their wise words and encouragement.