Asad ParkarAlumni

Date you left BGS

July 2014

Your Current Position & Organisation 

Safety & Compliance Manager – Airside, Civils & Tunnels / Heathrow Airport Ltd.

A Level Subjects Taken (if applicable) and grades achieved

Maths (B), Chemistry (B) & Chemistry (C)

Where did you go from here/achievements?

Went to study a Masters in Engineering at Brunel University London and graduated with a 1st in Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics and Professional Development. Won Volunteer of the Year, Outstanding Contribution to Volunteering and Student Ambassador of the Year while at university. Successfully started on the Engineering Graduate programme at Heathrow, completing and rolling off the programme into a permanent role. Won the Engineering Diversity & Inclusion Award at Heathrow.

Best Memory of BGS 

The old school building, the friends I made and the fantastic teaching staff. It was some of the best few years of my life!

Advice for Current Students 

Get involved, try everything and always ask questions! Honestly, asking questions works wonders and you learn so much from everyone else. And finally, do not worry and stress – things always work out in the end!