
Student Achievements 

During my time at Burnham Grammar School, I have joined numerous sports clubs (ranging from football to cricket) and have been awarded most improved in Athletics, which demonstrates my passion for sport and the effort put in to make myself better. I really enjoy the extra curricular sports activities available at Burnham Grammar School. 

Being a student at BGS, means I am always trying new things such as, competing in a trampolining. This was such an enjoyable new experience that I got to take part in with my friends in my year group and learn a brand new skill. It also pushed me out of my comfort zone. 

One of my hobbies outside of school, is rock climbing. I have been climbing for around a year and am now a junior competent climber which allows me to independantly climb in my gym. Along with it being an outside school activity, it is also contributing to my PE GCSE which I hope to take up in A level.

Along with my sport achievements, I have upheld both high grades and the school aims which has rewarded me with a Senior Tie. With consistent 0 behaviour points I display responsibility and resilience in all my lessons which is also shown in my grades (consists of 7s and 8s). Along with this I was invited by the school to go on a trip to Oxford university which was a privledge to attend and learn about life at university.

What do you enjoy most about being a student at Burnham Grammar School?

I enjoy the community of BGS. It's extremely diverse and it makes me proud to be in a community that embraces people of all ethnicities, sexualities, and backgrounds. Both students and teachers are easy to talk to and give amazing advice to help me improve in not only my subjects, but with life lessons as well. BGS provides a safe and embracing community that I'm proud to be a part of and I can see that embracing community when we welcome new Year 7 students and Sixth Formers to the school. 

What do you hope to achieve after leaving BGS (either Post 16/Post 18)? 

I wish to pursue vetinrary medicine after BGS. Post 16, I wish to have work experience at a multitude of places - tutoring, climbing assistant and at a vetinary clinic. These will aid me in my Post 18 aspirations of staying at BGS for Sixth Form and for completing my A levels. I wish to attend university after Sixth Form so I can achieve my aspiration of becoming a vet.

What advice would you give to prospective students starting in Year 7 at Burnham Grammar School? 

Enjoy every moment of your time in school. You will probably brush off comments like "GCSEs aren't far off" and "Year 11 will come quick", but sadly they really are true. It truly feels like I just did my 11+ yesterday and now my GCSEs are around the corner, so stay in the moment, work hard & enjoy your time and all the things BGS has to offer to you as a student at the school.