Dr Takashi LawsonAlumni

Date you left BGS 

July 2013

Your current position & Organisation

Postdoctoral Research Associate and Director of Studies, University of Cambridge

A Level Subjects Taken if applicable and grades achieved

Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, Geography (5 A*s)

Where did you go on from here/achievements?
  • Graduated from the University of Oxford (MEng Materials Science, 2017)
  • Graduated from the University of Cambridge (PhD Physics, 2022)
  • Admitted as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, 2023)
Best Memory of BGS 

My best memories at BGS were connected with the stage crew - a fun team and great atmosphere helping to run events (i.e. music concerts, the dance show). 

Advice for Current Students

Don't give up trying what you really want to do. Get out there and make opportunities. There will definitely be hard days; celebrate even the small wins, take feedback on board and you'll get there!