
Student Achievements 

I have been dancing outside of school, from the age of 3 doing tap, ballet and modern dance. Outside of school, I take part in dance shows at the Beck theatre every other year with my dance school and I love doing the yearly dance show at school and contributing in that.

What do you enjoy most about being a student at Burnham Grammar School? 

I enjoy taking part in after school and lunchtime activities. I regularly play netball and rugby matches with my friends. Taking part in the Annual BGS Dance Show is also a highlight of the school year for me. I enjoy taking part and choreographing dances with my friends. 

What do you hope to achieve after leaving BGS (either Post 16/Post 18?) 

I would like to go onto study A Levels at Burnham Grammar School. I would like to study at a dance college or go to university. I hope to do something along the lines of sports therapy or dance/theatre. I really enjoy performing and getting up on stage so I think carrying on doing theatre would be a good future goal for me.

What advice would you give to prospective students starting in Year 7 at Burnham Grammar School? 

Make sure that you join lots of clubs and activites when you start the school. Whether that be sports clubs, societies or subject based clubs. You will find students that have similar interests to you and it will be easier to settle in and make friends. I went to rugby club by myself and I found my best friends by going outside of my comfort zone and trying something new. Taking part in the school dance show has also been a highlight for me since starting BGS. It is so much fun, and so many students throughout every year take part! You will always find something to take part in at BGS! Try new things, go outside of your comfort zone and you will be great!