Kiera AdamsAlumni

Date you left BGS

Summer 2015

Your Current Position & Organisation 

DPhil (PhD student) at the University of Oxford in the Department of Experimental Psychology 

A Level Subjects Taken (if applicable) and grades achieved

Psychology (A), Biology (A) & English Literature (A)

Where did you go from here/achievements?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge straight after sixth form, graduating with a first in 2018. After some travelling and a short internship in Management Consultancy, I started my Master’s at Oxford, where I researched the mental health of Canadian and British university students. I then took a year out where I worked in Dubai as live in psychological support for an autistic girl with OCD, whilst volunteering for an organisation that working on developing sustainable, temporary housing solutions for refugees. Upon returning to the UK I started my PhD, which was fully funded by the Clarendon Fund Scholarship, awarded to the best applicant in the department. My PhD looks at the overlap between anxiety and eating disorders and autism. 

Best Memory of BGS 

Performing in a production of The Crucible. I’m still friends with so many of the cast, and it really helped my confidence! 

Advice for Current Students 

Don’t worry if you’re not fully sure what you want to do yet! Just pursue things you enjoy and you’ll work it out. Also- prioritise your mental health above anything else. You’ll find that things like your grades and results will naturally follow.