Year 8 TAFAL Day 2025

13 Mar 2025


Year 8 Teach a Friend a Language (TAFAL) Day

On Thursday 27th February the whole of Year 8 participated in BGS’s second Teach a Friend a Language (TAFAL) Day in which they became language teachers for the day. Having had an introductory lesson learning how to order ice creams in Italian they spent the rest of the morning working in groups choosing which language to teach, preparing materials and planning a lesson.

Students then delivered lessons to peers covering languages ranging from French, Spanish and German to Dutch, Urdu, Panjabi and Nepalese. It was a great day in which students demonstrated true active citizenship collaborating with the common goal of educating others in different languages, developing research skills, problem-solving and oracy.

Students are soon to present their lessons to their form-groups as part of form-time and the best lessons will then be delivered to Year 5 learners at Dorney Primary School during the Summer term.

Well done to all students and staff who participated in a clear demonstration of the diversity, inclusivity and internationalism of the Burnham Grammar School community.

J. Earnshaw-Crofts.

Assistant Head of Modern Foreign Languages.