Exam Results & Performance Tables

Exam Results at Burnham Grammar School in 2023

Congratulations to all of the students on their GCSE & A level results and a huge thankyou to our staff for their effort, dedication and support every day.

Despite the impact of the pandemic during their time at BGS, we are immensely pleased with how hard all our students worked towards achieving these results. These results are an outcome of a lot of hard work across our school community. We wish all our Year 13’s the very best for their future endeavours and look forward to working with our Year 11’s into the 6th Form.

We are extremely proud of our Progress 8 measure of +0.63 which is defined as being “Well Above Average” and puts us in the top 16% state-funded mainstream schools in the country for progress. In short this can also be translated to “Pupils here achieve over half a grade higher in each qualification on average, compared to similar pupils across the country”.  


In 2023 56% of all GCSEs taken resulted in a grade 7, 8 or 9, equivalent to A*/A grades in the old GCSEs. 33% of all grades were at grade 8 or 9.

For individual students nearly 2/3’s of all students achieved 5 or more grades at a grade 7 or above. The average capped point score per student was 56 points (made up from a student’s best 8 grades including English Language & Maths).

The average points score for the 1841 entries at BGS this year was 6.7.

The school performance table Progress 8 score of +0.63 puts the school in the top 16% of schools in the country for value added progress. This is a fantastic achievement and testament to the hard work of both students and staff at BGS.

A Level

63% of all 554 A levels taken across 21 subjects resulted in an A*, A or B grade with the average grade being a B grade. 84% of all students achieved an A*-C grade, while 31% of all grades were A*/A.

Based on our internal data the vast majority of these students are progressing to higher education (University), training (Apprenticeships) or employment.   

See the Department of Education School performance tables here

School Performance Tables Summary

KS4 Performance Data (2023 Data)

Progress 8 score: +0.63 (Well Above Average – Top 16% of schools Nationally)

Attainment 8 score: 69.8

% achieving grade 5 or above in GCSE English & Mathematics: 96%

% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 55%

% of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4: 100%

KS5 Performance Data (2022 Data)

A level Progress score = N/A

Average A level Result per entry = B+ (42.4 Points)

% of students completing their main study programme = 99.4%  

Progress to education or employment (2021 leavers) = 91% (140 students) 

Students progressing to higher education or training (2020 leavers) = 94% (126 students)